Help Save Our State’s Endangered Plants

Florida has approximately 3,000 species of native plants. Unfortunately, 450 of these are endangered and 100 more are threatened. The reasons for the situation are multiple, complex, and worthy of another blog. However, at a very high level, the reasons include:

  • Habitat destruction
  • Plant poaching and collection
  • Plant disease
  • Impacts of invasive species

Here at Little Red Wagon Native Nursery, we pride ourselves on doing right by the environment. In our hearts, we know that if we #NurtureNative, we can ensure a healthier world for our children, grandchildren, pets and wildlife.

To help turn the tide, we’re proud to offer five endangered plants for sale. These plants have been ethically propagated and reputably sourced. And, by making them available commercially, we hope to help save them from extinction. These five plants are:

Florida Peperomia
(Peperomia obtusifolia)

This shade-loving evergreen groundcover – with thick waxy leaves that can be six inches long –  is also known as “Baby Rubber Plant.” Suitable for outdoor environments in somewhat moist soils (its native habitat is moist hammocks), Florida Peperomia also makes a great indoor houseplant.

Low Peperomia
(Peperomia humilis)

Low Peperomia is another one of our state’s 8 native Peperomia species. Fairly easy to grow, this low-growing groundcover has lots of flower spikes most of the year. It likes filtered sun and well-drained soils. In favorable conditions, this plan will form dense colonies.

(Ipomoea microdactyla)

This 5-10 foot vine has show-stopping rose-colored trumpet-shaped flowers. A year-round bloomer, this plant likes part sun and is a great nectar source for hummingbirds. Native to South Florida’s globally critically imperiled pine rocklands, this plant prefers a more alkaline soil.

Tampa Verbena
(Glandularia tampensis)

This pretty, low-growing annual has showy pinkish-purple flowers. It requires full sun and tolerates moist to dry soils that are on the acidic side. The plant is a great nectar source for butterflies, moths, and bees.

White Flower Passionflower
(Passiflora multiflora)

As the name suggests, this plant has white flowers. These flowers are tiny and frequently described as inconspicuous. However, a closer look reveals that the flowers are star-shaped and look like tiny white pom-poms when fully open. Native to limestone habitats in South Florida, these plants like full sun to part shade. The plant is host to three native butterflies that are found in our area: Julias, Gulf Fritillaries, and Zebra Longwings. 

Friday is the 16th annual #EndangeredSpeciesDay. Let’s do more to protect our threatened and endangered plants and #StopExtinction. Let’s make the world better for our children.