Let’s Do More. Let’s Save the University of South Florida Forest Preserve.
As I write this, Elsa is raging while 58% of US states are experiencing drought. Hundreds died in the sizzling heat wave that spanned the Pacific Northwest and British Columbia last week. And NASA states that wildfires, insect outbreaks, and plant disease are causing widespread tree die-off in certain parts of the country.
Let’s face it. For all the trees our customers plant, for all the good we’re doing, it appears it’s not enough.
Simply put: Mother Nature is not happy.
We must do more than plant to create habitat. We must work to save what habitat we still have.
For this reason, I’m asking all of our loyal customers and readers to speak out against the University of South Florida’s efforts to develop the 769-acre University of South Florida Forest Preserve. This site is one of the largest remaining undeveloped parcels along I-75. It includes 617 acres of native ecosystems, more than 50% of Hillsborough County’s remaining critically endangered sandhill upland, designated wetlands, and more than 20 state or federally listed species.
If you believe, as I do, that Mother Nature is expressing her displeasure, that climate change and environmental matters should be top-of-mind, please lend your voice and sign the change.org petition to say NO to USF destroying this beautiful wildlife habitat. Because once it’s gone, it’s gone forever.