Florida Betony - Stachys floridana (1 Gallon)

Florida Betony - Stachys floridana (1 Gallon)

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Florida Betony aka Rattlesnakeweed (Stachys floridana) is a perennial wildflower that is often underappreciated because it spreads quickly. This is not a plant we would recommend for a formal garden. but more for a wildflower garden. It also does well in a freedom lawn setting and can be mowed. Plant it in a pot if you want to contain its spread. It produces 1-2 feet tall pinkish to purplish-white flowers.  Plant it in full sun to part shade in moist sandy or loamy soil.  Most of this plant is edible, including its tubers, which look like rattlesnake rattles.  The tubers have a flavor similar to radish but need to be eaten in the spring when they are white and crunchy. Once summer hits they lose their crunchy texture and turn a tan color and are somewhat soggy. Its leaves and stems can be cooked like greens or dried and made into a tea, and the seeds can be eaten raw. This plant is a great nectar source attracting butterflies and bees!