Fairy Hibiscus aka Poeppig's Hibiscus (Hibiscus poeppigii) is a perennial evergreen flowering shrub. This dwarf shrub will grow 2-4 feet and produce red, showy flowers. Plant it in well-drained soil in an area that gets full to partial sun. This plant is cold-sensitive to degrees less that 30F and is endangered. It will attract wildlife and is a great nectar source for: tortoises, ants, butterflies, bees, including the Rose-mallow bees. It is the larval host for the Gray Hairstreak, Painted Lady Butterfly, Common Checkered Skipper and Tropical Checkered Skipper butterflies and four moths : Pearly Wood Nymph, Yellow Scallop Moth, Io Moth, and Delightful Bird-Dropping Moths.