Tropical Sage, Salvia coccinea provides a beautiful bloom in red, white or pink that is not only ornamental, but also favored by butterflies and hummingbirds.
In my garden this native perennial grows 2-4 feet tall and about 2 feet wide and reseeds itself. The flowers are about one-inch long and tubular in shape. The color and the nectar are a nice draw for hummingbirds, as well as butterflies and many other pollinators. For the best blooms plant it in full sun sites in well-drained typical Florida soil. Tropical sage is not salt-tolerant. Plant about 18 inches apart. If you remove old flowers you will have more continuous blooms. When the plant gets leggy and ragged it can be cut back to stimulate new growth and blooms. This plant also does well in containers. Many volunteer plants will emerge from seeds produced over the year. These could get too crowded and require some thinning. In addition to seeds, the plants can be propagated by division or cuttings can be rooted.
This is truly an easy plant to grow and enjoy!