Woolly Coneflower (Rudbeckia mollis), also known as Softhair coneflower, is a showy, flowering landscape plant that is beneficial to wildlife. It is a great nectar source, and the seeds are a food source for seed-eating birds. This is a plant that likes dryer conditions with well-draining soil as it is found in sandhills, dry open hammocks and roadsides. This is a plant that is full sun to minimal shade tolerant. It is a reseeding biennial, which means it may act as an annual or short-lived perennial. It will work well in a mixed wildflower planting in the middle or back of the garden where its height up to 4' will work in the garden well.
While the initial plant will typically die off after it blooms, it is a prolific self-seeder and can produce many seedlings if you allow the seeds to dry out on the stem and propagate themselves. Seeds can also be collected from dry seedheads. You can also sow seeds in trays or spread them in open sandy areas and cover them with a light coating of pine straw.