Cabbage Palm (Sabal palmetto) is one of Florida's state trees and grows to almost 100 feet tall in any soil condition. It is the #1 nectar source in Florida for pollinators. It is hurricane wind-resistant and tolerates full sun to full shade. Cabbage palms can grow in moist to very dry conditions so it's flexible as our Florida weather changes. which is why it's one of Florida's . Seeds spread easily so don't be surprised if you see offspring shooting up nearby. The plant is one of the hosts for Monk Skipper caterpillars.
• Brown fronds provide a unique habitat for tree frogs and bats which are a natural mosquito control.
• Frizz from the fronds makes great nesting material.
• Flowering branches (inflorescences) provide nectar for bees and butterflies.
• Palm berries are sources of highly nutritious food for local birds, migratory birds, and small mammals.
• The palm “boots” (leaf bases) are important habitat for other plants, including the beautiful Golden polypody fern.
Every landscape in Florida should include one or more of these!
Fun Fact: The bud of the Cabbage Palm is edible and known as "heart of palm".