Common Greeneyes (Berlandiera subacaulis) is a long-lived perennial in the daisy family, endemic to Florida, with very showy yellow flowers with short stems. It is said that the flowers emit a chocolatey scent! The short stems make it a nice groundcover or can be showy all on its own. It grows 1-2 feet tall. Once this plant is established it requires minimal maintenance. It typically blooms spring to fall and can be winter dormant. It is January and it is still pushing up flowers at the nursery. It is a Florida winter after all. Green eyes require full sun to minimal shade with well-drained soil. Given its tuberous root system, it is very drought tolerant. Some of the plant roots systems can grow to be as thick as 12" in older plants, which is why it is so drought tolerant. (Florida Wildflower Foundation). Seeds can be collected after the blooms expire and the florets are about to drop. It is a great nectar source for pollinators. Warning - do not overwater!