Swamp Rosemallow - Hibiscus grandiflorus (1 & 3 Gallon)

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Swamp Rosemallow is known to have a showy flower that ranges from pale pink to a medium pink. This short lived perennial can get up to 6-10’ tall. It is a plant that goes winter dormant. It is a great plant for background areas that are mostly wet and in full sun.  It is not salt tolerant. It is also a host plant for the Gray hairstreak, Painted lady butterfly, Common white checkered skipper ad Tropical checkered skipper. It is also host to four moth species: Pearly wood nymph, Yellow scallop moth, IO moth and Delightful bird dropping moths.  It is of particular importance as well for the Rose-mallow native bee.  Native habitats include wet areas in pine flatwoods, brackish and freshwater edges near lakes, ponds, rivers, swamps, canals and ditches.